i'm in salisbury at my father's. i went to this swish new shop that probably wouldn't be that amazing if you were in some cool area of a big city but was pretty startling for salisbury:

a few nice vintage clothes and lots of cute antiques (including these SPECTACULAR slippers, and all pretty well priced.
i've had a very nice quiet monday. i woke up, walked around salisbury and talked to some bizarre old lady in mencap, managed to get served for tobacco (you'd be surprised how many newsagents believe you when you offer a forged railcard as a valid form of ID), came home, drove to tesco with dad and got over excited hunting for non-frozen burgers, ate dinner, had a hot bath and read my book (Praxis by fay weldon), then opened a bottle of wine with my father and watched the finale of Thirty Rock. and now i'm typing up the best i have to offer my creative writing teacher so she can put it into some anthology she's making, and contemplating either sleep or something active.
i really wish they didn't shut the cathedral green gates at 23:00, cos it'd be lovely lovely lovely to go for a walk there now, even with potential rapists, etc.
stay monkey by julie ruin, except performed by kathleen hanna's later oufit, le tigre. kathleen hanna's voice is fucking INCREDIBLE.
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